Sunil Ramaswamy, MD

Dr. Ramaswamy is a Critical Care Medicine specialist at Pacific Pulmonary Medical Group working out of Riverside Community Hospital. There, he serves as an attending intensivist in the surgical ICU, medical ICU, and cardiovascular ICU.

Dr. Ramaswamy completed his residency in Internal Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center: Mercy Hospital and subsequently completed his fellowship training at the University of Rochester Medical Center. His time at URMC was spent treating the sickest patients in upstate New York during the worst pandemic in recent history, COVID-19. He is trained in the assessment, treatment, and management of critically ill patients.
He practices medicine with a multidisciplinary, team based approach, and he strives to be an advocate for his patients. He works hard to bring top-notch, effective, and compassionate care to the sickest patients in the hospital.
Dr. Ramaswamy serves as an Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of California Riverside School of Medicine. He enjoys teaching and mentoring medical students and residents, and guiding them on their journey through medical education.
When he is not in the hospital, Dr. Ramaswamy is usually found traveling around the world with his wife and exploring all sorts of new cuisines. He can also be found in the gym or at home playing his guitar.